We are teaching the doctors of the future
Medical students from Deakin University spend the 3rd and 4th years of their course at one of four Clinical Schools. Each year South West Healthcare hosts 50-60 medical students, who receive clinical teaching across the hospital. 3rd Year students will often be seen attending my clinics, and as a patient you may well meet students at some stage. It is fantastic to be able to guide the future generation of doctors, and patients have generally found the students to be a positive addition. If there are reasons that you do not wish students to be involved in your care, please let us know.
We have had great success with the Warrnambool students, with 3 of the 5 graduating classes so far being topped by Warrnambool students (Dux of the graduating class). This success is in part due to the enthusiastic engagement of our patients, stimulating the students to work harder and learn more.
Mr Sutherland has published on-line a series of short lectures to augment the student teaching. This is not a complete medical course, and should not be used as a guide to your individual treatment, but deals with the topics that are regarded as core knowledge in orthopaedics for graduating doctors, to equip them to cope as interns. If you would like to know more about what the students are learning, you are welcome to visit the site:
We have had great success with the Warrnambool students, with 3 of the 5 graduating classes so far being topped by Warrnambool students (Dux of the graduating class). This success is in part due to the enthusiastic engagement of our patients, stimulating the students to work harder and learn more.
Mr Sutherland has published on-line a series of short lectures to augment the student teaching. This is not a complete medical course, and should not be used as a guide to your individual treatment, but deals with the topics that are regarded as core knowledge in orthopaedics for graduating doctors, to equip them to cope as interns. If you would like to know more about what the students are learning, you are welcome to visit the site:
We are training the orthopaedic surgeons of the future
Three orthopaedic registrars work at South West Healthcare, although they do not attend St John of God Hospital. One is on rotation from the Victorian Orthopaedic Training Programme (for 6 months at a time); one is on rotation from the Western Hospital (for 3-4 months at a time); one is appointed directly by South West Healthcare. These young doctors attend operating sessions and out-patient clinics as well as caring for patients on the wards of South West Healthcare. They are being actively trained in orthopaedic surgery, and Mr Sutherland is Director of Training. He sits on the Victorian Regional Training Committee and is member of the Court of Examiners of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) for the end of training Fellowship examination. He is a Fellow of the Academy of Surgical Educators of RACS and a Fellow of the Faculty of Surgical Trainers of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.
We are contributing to the development of orthopaedic knowledge by research
As a a patient of Southwest Orthopaedics, you might be asked to participate in one of our ongoing studies. At all times, you have the right to decline without affecting your treatment in any way, but we hope that you would be willing to help us to make progress in developing the best possible care for our patients. All research projects have appropriate ethical committee approval, and follow the guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki on the protection of the rights of research participants. We have several projects under way or in final preparation for publication. A full list of Mr Sutherland's published research can be found here
The following published studies were completed in Warrnambool/Deakin University:
Patients presenting with fractures are likely to be Vitamin D deficient.
T Mow, C Stokes, AG Sutherland. ANZ J Surg, 2015: 85; 766-9.
Ageing, Chronic Disease and Injury (ACDI): profile of an ecological study in western Victoria. M Sajjad, K Holloway, M Kotowicz, P Livingston, M Khasraw, S Hakkennes, T Dunning, S Brumby, R Page, D Pedler, AG Sutherland S Venkatesh, S Brennan, L Williams, J Pasco. J Pub Health 2016: 5; 678-683.
The benefits of streamlined hip fracture management: healthcare costs and patient outcome.
AG Sutherland, TC Mow, J Lukeis. Ger Orth Surg Rehab 2017; 8(2): 99-103
Geographic region, socioeconomic position and the utilisation of primary total joint replacement for hip or knee osteoarthritis across western Victoria: A cross-sectional multilevel study of the Australian Orthopaedic Association National Joint Replacement Registry. M Sajjad, K Holloway, M Kotowicz, P Livingston, M Khasraw, S Hakkennes, T Dunning, S Brumby, R Page, D Pedler, AG Sutherland, S Venkatesh, S Brennan, L Williams, J Pasco. Arch Osteoporosis 2017 Nov 6; 12(1): 97
The epidemiology of hip fractures across Western Victoria, Australia. Holloway KL, Sajjad MA, Mohebbi M, Kotowicz MA, Livingston PM, Khasraw M, Hakkennes S, Dunning TL, Brumby S, Page RS, Pedler D, Sutherland A, Venkatesh S, Brennan-Olsen SL, Williams LJ, Pasco JA. 2018; 108: 1-9
Assessment of acetabular version in total hip arthroplasty: an application of Widmer’s technique in a regional setting.
J Trieu, A Hadden, AG Sutherland. ANZJ Surg 2018; 88: 573-576
Patient resilience is a strong predictor of satisfaction after orthopaedic treatment.
U Balasubramanian, C Krehula, S Bowe, AG Sutherland.ANZJ Surg 2019; 89:11-12.
Does knee position during wound closure alter patella height following total knee arthroplasty?
S Clark, L Tee, AG Sutherland. ANZJ Surg 2019; 89: 191-195.
Are orthopaedic surgeons reading radiology reports? A Trans-Tasman Survey.
P Kruger, S Lynskey, AG Sutherland. J Med Imaging Rad Oncol 2019;
Association between area-level socioeconomic status, accessibility and diabetes-related hospitalisations: A cross-sectional analysis of data from western Victoria, Australia. MA Sajjad, KL Holloway-Kew, M Mohebbi, MA Kotowicz, LLF de Abreu, PM Livingston, M Khasraw, S Hakkennes, TLDunning, S Brumby, RS Page, AG Sutherland, S Venkatesh, LJ Williams, SL Brennan-Olsen, JA Pasco. http://bmjopen.bmj.com/cgi/content/full/bmjopen-2018-026880
Revision joint replacement surgeries of the hip and knee across geographic region and socioeconomic status in the western region of Victoria: a cross-sectional multilevel analysis of registry data. Brennan-Olsen SL, Vogrin S, Graves S, Holloway-Kew KL, Page RS, Sajjad MA, Kotowicz MA, Livingston PM, Khasraw M, Hakkennes S, Dunning TL, Brumby S, Sutherland AG, Talevski J, Green D, Kelly T-L, Williams LJ, Pasco JA. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2019; 20(1):300-
The epidemiology of emergency presentations for falls across Western Victoria, Australia. K Holloway-Kew, T Baker, M Sajjad, M Kotowicz, P Livingston, M Khasraw, S Hakkennes, T Dunning, S Brumby, RS Page, AG Sutherland, S Venkatesh, S Brennan-Olsen, L Williams, J Pasco.
Aust Med Care 2019: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.auec.2019.08.003
Mapping cancer incidence across Western Victoria: the association with age, accessibility, and socioeconomic status among men and women. Cowdery SP, Lang D, Sajjad MA, Holloway-Kew KL, MohebbiM, Williams LJ, Kotowicz MA, Livingston PM, Khasraw M, Hakkennes S, Dunning TL, Brumby S, Page RS, Sutherland AG, Brennan-Olsen SL, Berk M, Campbell D, Pasco JA. BMC Cancer 2019; 18:892.https://rdcu.be/bQuKT
The epidemiology of emergency presentations for falls from height across Western Victoria, Australia. K Holloway-Kew, T Baker, M Sajjad, M Kotowicz, P Livingston, M Khasraw, S Hakkennes, T Dunning, S Brumby, RS Page, AG Sutherland, S Brennan-Olsen, L Williams, J Pasco. Aust Med Care 2019 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.auec.2019.09.002
The epidemiology of joint replacements across Western Victoria, Australia: a cross-sectional study. In print SN Comprehensive Clinical Medicine
The influence of patient resilience and health status on satisfaction after total hip and knee arthroplasty
S Lynskey, A Greenberg, JC Penny-Dimri, AG Sutherland. Surgeon. 2021; 19: 8-14
Is It Safe to Use a Lead Screen During Hip Arthroscopy?
A Rahil, L Biffin, C Fary, AG Sutherland, P Tran. Arthrosc Sport Med Rehab 2021; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asmr.2020.09.022
Victoria’s surgical response to the COVID-19 panademic: the first two years.
HE Drysdale, DA Watters, Y Leang, BNJ Thomson, WA Brown, A Wilson, Victorian Surgical Directors Group. ANZ J Surg; 2023: doi: 10.1111/ans.18311:
Emergency presentations for farm-related injuries in older adults residing in south-western Victoria, Australia related injuries in older adults resid. KL Holloway-Kew, TR Baker, MA Sajjad, T Yosef, MA Kotowicz, J Adams, S Brumby, RS Page, AG Sutherland, BE Kavanagh, SL Brennan-Olsen, LJ Williams. Aus J Rural Health 2024 DOI: 10.1111/ajr.13110